Thursday, January 14, 2010

FAMCE- “Nothing like this has ever been created, until now!”


Xtra Life Fuel

How is your energy level?

Do you feel weakness all the time?

Now its your chance to make a difference in your health.

Don’t wait another minute!


FAMCE is an ideal additive to milk for making hot and cold chocolate flavor energy booster. It is an exciting offering to double the experience and taste for greater energy and confidence. Famce is a complete family food.We use the highest grade and most absorbable nutrients known to human. It improves appetite and results in increasing volume of blood. It helps in restoring the balance of body and maintaining good health. It acts as an appetizer, nutritive, digester, rejunivative, blood purifier, mild laxative, and restorative. It is good in taste with chocolate flavor and must for growing children to impart good energy and protect them from various diseases. Improves Muscular Fire Power. It contains heat and energy generating substances. It is free of corn, yeast, wheat, soy and dairy products and are formulated without the use of preservatives, artificial flavors or colors.

How it Works ?

The Famce in body helps in synthesis of an Adenosine tri phosphate (ATP), a compound containing adenine and the sugar ribose and three phosphate groups: it occurs in all cells of the body and is formed by the enzymatic breakdown of ATP to adenosine mono phosphate (AMP), which only contains one phosphate. The chemical bonds of the phosphate groups store energy needed by the cell. For muscle contraction; this energy is released when ATP is split into adenosine di phosphate (ADP) or AMP. FAMCE have Specialized compounds that support ATP synthesis and Kreb’s Cycle. substrates that support the body’s energy systems supporting contractile strength, power, and endurance.

Ingredients :

• Refined sucrose, Milk protein, Coco powder, Soya protein, Malt Dextrine, Salt and permitted food flavor.

Composition :

• Each 10 gm contains. • Moisture 0.185 gm, Fat 0.115 gm, Protein ( N*6.25) 0.115 gm, Fiber Nil, Ash 0.162 gm,Carbohydrate 9.09 gm,Energy 39.2 cal . • Your body is worth over a billion dollars so start treating it right and give it the nutrients it must have to maintain optimal health . • start giving your body what it truly needs each day! • Give your body the nutrients it’s missing! • Your body needs to last a lifetime so start taking care of it .


If you don't do it for yourself, do it for all the people who depend on you each day!

Direction of use: • Take one teaspoon full 'Famce powder' in 1 cup of boiling milk (or milk and water if desire) . • Stir and serve hot.

• For Cold drinks : processed as above, then chilled in refrigerator and then serve. s

“Nothing like this has ever been created, until now!”